OAuth 2.0 Overview for AWS Cognito Users

OAuth 2.0 is an industry standard authorization protocol. AWS Cognito implements OAuth 2.0

Wed Feb 14 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

OAuth 2.0 Introduction

OAuth 2.0 is an industry standard protocol, a set of rules, for authorizing users to access private resources. After a user verifies their identity, known as authentication, we must then authorize them to access some private resource, which is the the whole purpose of authenticating their identity in the first place.

Imagine this scenario: The year is 2007 and you are hired as the first social media manager for a large company. Your first task is to create an account at HootSuite.com, an application for managing and scheduling social media posts. HootSuite is an application or program like any other, and it needs your Twitter password to post on your behalf. Okay, that makes sense, but you just had to give your password to HootSuite, a third party application. HootSuite might be a trusted company, but what if they get hacked and your password is stored somewhere on HootSuite’s server in plain text? What if they have a rogue employee? This was common practice for authorizing applications to do things on your behalf and obviously not ideal. As the web grew and more services popped up, do we really want to be giving our passwords to every third party service that helps us do something?

I used Twitter in the scenario because they were among the first companies looking for an alternative. Several organizations joined together and created OAuth which went from 1.0 to 2.0 in just a few years. Instead of giving passwords directly to every third party application we need, we narrow it down to a few centralized trusted identity providers like Google, Amazon, Github. After successful authentication with one of these large identity providers, they give us random tokens to exchange instead of our passwords. It isn’t perfect by any means, but an enormous improvement over the 90s and early 2000s.

AWS Cognito is an implementation of OAuth 2.0, so getting a grasp of the principles and authorization flow helps a lot where the Cognito documentation lacks detail. This article is just a short primer for anyone using my Terraform and React project so it focuses on authentication with public web applications, but OAuth and Cognito can also be used for machine-to-machine authentication.

OAuth 2.0 Roles

resource owner

An entity capable of granting access to a protected resource.

resource server

The server hosting the protected resource and has the capability to accept and respond to requests when the request has an access token for a protected resource


The application making protected resource requests e.g. your web/mobile app retrieving information from a database after a user clicks their inbox. A client can be different devices like phone, laptop or even another server.

authorization server

the server that issues the access tokens to the client after a successful authentication.

Since we know that OAuth 2.0 is a standard anyone can implement, we can now look at how AWS implements this standard by having Cognito be the authentication server that issues tokens and Cognito is also the resource server because Cognito User Pools store user data in a directory. Your application is the client that sends a request and if successfully authenticated will be given different types of JWT tokens (access, ID, refresh tokens) that can now be presented as credentials to exchange for access to protected resources like a database.

Grant Type

This is a term that describes how we are going to grant access tokens to an application(e.g. your web app) after successful user authentication. You can change these settings in your User Pool’s app client and there are three choices: authorization code grant, implicit grant, client credentials grant.

client credentials grant's name can be confusing at first glance, but it is for machine-to-machine access and you cannot enable this in a User Pool app client where authorization or implicit grants are enabled. We won’t talk about client_credentials much in this article but it’s probably the simplest form of OAuth 2.0 implementation. Generally speaking if you want to grant access to a machine, and not a specific user, client_credentials grants might be what you want.

Authorization and Implicit grants start by making a request to the Authorization endpoint /oauth2/authorize

Authorization Code Grant

This is the AWS recommended grant for public clients. When the client sends a request to /oauth2/authorize and is successfully authenticated, the authorization server responds with a code that your application can send to the AWS Token Endpoint and exchange the code for access tokens. If your client is a web application that is using server side components, this is a good choice.

A request for an Authorization code grant with PKCE looks like this:

GET https://mydomain.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code& client_id=`1example23456789`& redirect_uri=`https://www.example.com`& state=`abcdefg`& scope=aws.cognito.signin.user.admin& code_challenge_method=S256& code_challenge=`a1b2c3d4...`

In the URL parameters, response_type=code is what makes this an Authorization code grant request. If your username and password authenticates, the authentication server responds with a redirect back to your application and there will be a code in the URL parameters like this:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found 
Location: https://`www.yourdomain.com`?code=a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE33311&state=`abcdefg`

Now your app takes this code and sends one more request, but this time to the Token Endpoint /oauth2/token and if the code is valid the endpoint issues the access tokens, id tokens, refresh tokens. This code is temporary


Proof Key for Code Exchange(PKCE) is an extension for Authorization Code grants designed to prevent CSRF and authorization code injection attacks. They are currently considered best practice for SPA and mobile apps. If you want to use PKCE with the Authorization Code grant, AWS Docs detail how your application can dynamically generate a unique string for the code challenge.

Implicit Grant

Implicit grants will also give you the access and id tokens but not the refresh tokens. It’s no longer considered best practice but years ago this was the recommended pattern for SPA and mobile apps. Implicit grants don’t have to make that additional request to the Token Endpoint like Authorization Code grants. Implicit grants are considered legacy grants now. Instead of having response_type=code, your URL parameters would have response_type=token

Single Page Applications

Single Page Applications are also called browser based apps because ultimately the application’s source code is loaded in the browser and runs from there. This means SPAs have no ability at all to maintain client secrets in the same way an application running on a server does. On the surface, SPAs look like any other site to your users but under the hood they function entirely different.

Over the last few years we’ve seen popular SPA libraries like React begin to incorporate server side components. For SPAs you would want to look into Authorization Code Grant flows with PKCE and use one of the client side flows mentioned below:

Authentication Flows


Intended for server side authentication flow. Not intended for public client authentication. This flow uses AdminInitiateAuth and requires IAM Credentials for cognito-idp:AdminInitiateAuth and cognito-idp:AdminRespondToAuthChallenge


Intended for client side authentication flow. When you want to use this, in your app client settings DO NOT generate a client secret.


Intended for client side authentication flow. Similar to ALLOW_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH except it uses the SRP PROTOCOL to verify the password. If you don’t want to setup the SRP flow yourself you can import only the auth parts of the AWS Amplify library to your client side code and it has SRP compatibility out of the box.


This is for creating your own challenge/response based authentication using AWS Lambda.